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Green Man+ Print and OOH Campaign

Objective: To introduce Singapore's Green Man+ program to Japan and educate Japanese consumers on it's benefits.

Target Audience: Urban Japanese consumers, age: 60+

Key Insights: Japan has the largest percentage of elderly adults, the country is technologically advanced, and have a high score in uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation (Hofstede's cultural Dimensions). Comparative advertising that focuses on negative, comparative approaches typically are not as successful as positive advertising in Japan.

Big Idea: The Green Man+ program will make the target audience feel youthful, capable, and secure.

Project collaborators: Catherine Conboy, Madison Root, Brandon Lassiter, Cam Jones, Kevin Scher

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japan green.png



Newspaper Advertisement


OOH Billboard Advertisement


Street Bench Advertisement

green footprint 2.JPG

Guerilla Marketing

Visual Rationale

  • Advertisements use a limited amount of text and mainly depend on visuals due to Japan's indirect form of communication

  • Green and orange color scheme:

    • Green- cohesive with Singapore's original Green Man+ program, represents youth and eternity in Japanese culture​

    • Orange- bold and attention grabbing to promote safe traffic habits, represents love and happiness in Japanese culture

  • Copy is bold and readable to benefit the target audience and cater to those with impaired vision

Presentation and Research

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 3.20.34 PM.png

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